Cai Luong

Khi Rung Moi Sang Thu

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One of Vietnamese culture is to listen to Cai Luong. Most Vietnamese favorite title Khi Rung Moi Sang Thu. Read more to listen to audio feed and related video clips.

Listen to this audio feed – right click save as – Play with Media Player

Vietnamese History: Hậu Ngô Vương (後吳王): Nam Tấn Vương (南晉王) & Thiên Sách Vương (天策王), co-reign: 950-954

Ngô Xương Văn (吳昌文) deposed Dương Tam Kha in 950 and styled himself “Nam Tấn Vương.” Out of respect for his uncle, Ngô Xương Văn did not have him killed, but merely demoted him and sent him into exile. Ngô Xương Văn then searched out his older brother Ngô Xương Ngập in order to share the throne with him. After arriving at the capital, Ngô Xương Ngập styled himself “Thiên Sách Vương.”