Viet Music Albums

Nhac Tre Top Hits Collection 33

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This Vietnamese music CD album from Buom Dem Music Production, CD album title Nhac Tre Top Hits Collection 33. Read more for sample audio music and detail of the album. Some might have video clips.

1 – Binh Minh Yeu Thuong – Nhom Mp5
2 – Chia Tay – Nhom Trio 666
3 – Coi Tinh Hong – Nhom A Sharp
4 – Con Mai Noi Day – Nhom Axn
5 – Dem Trang Tinh Yeu – Nhom Gmc
6 – Em Da Xa – Nhom Bien Xanh
7 – Funky Vu Dieu Nong Say – Nhom F5
8 – Giac Mong Da Tan – Nhom Axn
9 – Hay Den Voi Anh – Nhom Mtv
10 – Khong Yeu Dung Noi Loi Cay Dang – Nhom Axn
11 – Mong Em Se Quay Ve – Nhom Gmc
12 – Nhung Dieu La – Nhom Bien Xanh
13 – Noi Nho Rieng Anh – Nhom Mp5
14 – Thien Duong Tim Dau – Nhom Mtv
15 – Thien Than Dang Yeu – Nhom Gmc
16 – Tinh La The – Nhom Mp5
17 – Tinh Nhu Gio Nhu Mua – Nhom F5
18 – Van Mai Tin Ngay Mai Se Co Nhau – Nhom F5

Nhac Tre Top Hits Collection 33

Type – ID: CD18933

Label / Production:
Buom Dem

Sale Price: $3.99

CD album songs right click – save as – Play with Real Audio Player

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