Viet Music Albums

Lien Khuc Tre 5 – Mua Tinh Yeu

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This Vietnamese music CD album from Eagle Production Music Production, CD album title Lien Khuc Tre 5 – Mua Tinh Yeu. Read more for sample audio music and detail of the album. Some might have video clips.

1. – Lien Khuc Mua – Buon Trong Dem Mua,
Tinh Trong Con Mua, Mot Chieu Mua, Mua Dem,
Mua Di Vang, Con Mua Trong Doi, Em Oi La Thu Mua,
Nho Mua Xua – Nini

2. – Lien Khuc Tinh –
Tinh Yeu Mong Manh, Tinh Si,
Tinh Tho, Bong Mat Cuoc Tinh,
Tinh Doi Mong, Tinh Oi Co Hay, Tinh Oi Xin Ngu Yen,
Dau Tinh Da Xa, Tinh – Nini

3. – Lien Khuc Yeu – Khuc Ca Tinh Yeu,
Yeu Dai Kho, Bay Gio Con Yeu, Yeu Mot Nguoi, Nguoi Yeu Dau,
Dem Yeu Duong, Nguoi Yeu Oi Gia Tu, Oi Tinh Yeu – Nini

Lien Khuc Tre 5 – Mua Tinh Yeu

Type – ID: CD19233

Label / Production:
Eagle Production

Sale Price: $9.99

CD album songs right click – save as – Play with Real Audio Player

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