Viet Music Albums

Mua Rung

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One of Vietnamese culture is to listen to Tan Co. Most Vietnamese favorite title Mua Rung. Read more to listen to audio feed and related video clips.

Listen to this audio feed – right click save as – Play with Media Player

Vietnamese History: Rise to Emperor (965-980)

One by one, Đinh Bộ Lĩnh (926-979) defeated or subdued the other 11 lords. His multitude victories over other lords earned him the title Vạn Thắng Vương, which means “King of Ten Thousand Victories.” After unifying the country in 968 and bringing peace back to the land, he proclaimed himself Đinh Tiên Hoàng Đế. He renamed the country “Đại Cồ Việt.” Worried that his country was still weak (where outside influences could be easily made), he sought to strengthen the government by appointing military men to important positions. Among his top generals were Nguyễn Bạc, his oldest son Đinh Liễn, Lê Hoàn, etc. The latter became a major figure for the Đinh Dynasty succession and the rise of the Anterior Lê Dynasty.

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