Cai Luong

Tam Su Loai Chim Bien

One of Vietnamese culture is to listen to Cai Luong. Most Vietnamese favorite title Tam Su Loai Chim Bien. Read more to listen to audio feed and related video clips.

Listen to this audio feed – right click save as – Play with Media Player

Vietnamese History: Rebellion

With Chinese rule growing intolerably exacting, and the policy of forcible assimilation into the Chinese mold, Thi Sách made a stand against the Chinese. The Chinese responded by executing Thi Sách as a warning to all those who contemplated rebellion. His death spurred his wife to take up his cause and the flames of insurrection spread.

In AD 39 Trưng Trắc and Trưng Nhị, after successfully repelling a small Chinese unit from their village, assembled a large army, consisting mostly of women. Within months, they had taken back many (about 65) citadels from the Chinese, and had liberated Nam Việt. They became queens of the country, and managed to resist all Chinese attacks on Nam Việt for over two years.

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